
Parsley is native to the Mediterranean region and Europe. It grows best in cooler climates, where the summers don’t get too hot or humid; and thrives in rich, moist soil. Parsley was used medicinally long before it was used as a seasoning; it has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years.

Broom and Brine pretty much runs on beans, greens and porridge. Not even exaggerating.

Ful medames is a fava bean breakfast food from Egypt, and is enjoyed all throughout the Middle East and the world. Think ~ fava beans, cumin, garlic & parsley~ served with pickles and flat bread. A1 in Melbourne makes the best Ful, we can only every try our very best to cook anything close to theirs.
Grace’s grandfather was Egyptian, so Ful medames runs in her blood. Our parsley is growing like the clappas, to keep up we’re eating lots.


Brussel sprouts


Broccolo fiolaro