Corno di Toro Peppers

Corno di toro peppers, or bull horn peppers, are an Italian capsicum traditionally stuffed with delicious fillings and baked.

Our Corno di Toro’s are not red yet, and because of our micro climate we don’t expect them to fully ripen until late summer. Corno di Toro amulets warn to ward off the Evil Eye. In Naples, drying Corno di Toro pepper garlands are hung for good luck.

Dylan and I are starting to take some big breaths after the craziness that is summer farming, and it’s feeling so so good for the garden to start to slow down a bit. We never stop seeding, planting or harvesting each week across the year, but the change in seasons really shifts our time in the garden.

This is reflected this week in the passata we’ve been making at home, the jars of dried cherry tomatoes filling shelves, and we’ve both been really into our boxing training the last month. How lovely is it that a few of our Corno di toro peppers are starting to turn red! So far from Naples, they are doing so well. Dylan and I tried to distribute the mottled ones between everyone so we can all enjoy them getting a tiny bit sweeter.


Cippolini onions

