
Kohlrabi is a sweet bulbing stem vegetable that’s juicy. In winter we call them brassica apples because they just get so sweet.

Kohlrabi is a brassica related to broccoli, cabbages and turnips. It is particularly popular across Asia and Europe. In Cyprus its called kouloumpra, in Vietnam its called su hào and in Bangladesh its called olkopi.

Kohlrabi marinates really well, and takes on stock, spices and other flavours beautifully. Its a versatile vegetables that can be boiled, steamed, sautéed, roasted or fried, as well as thinly sliced into salads.

16 June 2021

This video is one of my favourites ever on the internet.
Andreas Louros is a gardener from Cyprus. And he grew this kohlrabi that weighs 7 kg and is 60cm tall.
Andreas says he has also grown a gigantic radish of similar proportions. Amazing.

This Bangladeshi kohlrabi curry recipe is wonderful, and demonstrates the versatility of this veggie. The kohlrabi is treated very much like a potato: its peeled, boiled with the potatoes and added to the curry at the end of the book.

I use this recipe thats in English. Its pretty simple and really tasty.

This video shows chef Andros Charlambous Pyliotis of Cyrus, preparing kohlrabi and demonstrates how to peel it and enjoy it fresh in salad. If however you are looking for something a little more rich, this greek-style gratin pie with kohlrabi looks heavy & delicious!


Pai tsai

