
Lettuce has been enjoyed around the world for thousands of years. Eating lettuce as fresh salad is wonderful, but its also delicious to eat cos lettuces grilled and stir fried.

17 November 2021

This week’s lettuce harvest are heads of Drunken Woman lettuce. Drunken Woman is a beautiful, vivid open pollinated Italian lettuce that has a long heritage. Drunken Woman is a cabbage shaped, butterhead lettuce.

Its very likely that lettuce was domesticated from wild L. serriola, a kind of milk thistle in the daisy family. This likely happened in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, perhaps in current day Jordon, Syria, Palestine or Egypt.

For more grilled, steamed and stir-fried lettuce recipes check out our page on Wosun, a delicious lettuce grown for its stem.

Autumn 2022

Dylan and I are still in the early days of trialling varieties, so this week we’re all eating a beautiful small heading iceberg lettuce called Reine di Glaces. This is a French variety that’s been cultivated since at least the 1800s. We grow seed that’s been selected and grown by Transition Farm in Victoria.


Edible flowers


Collard greens